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The Freight Guide: How To Ship Your Items Safely

Shipping your belongings from one place to another can be nerve-wracking. You don’t want to risk anything getting damaged or lost during transit, which is why it’s important to prepare properly ahead of time. To ship items safely and efficiently, you will need to get organized and create a plan of action from the first moment you decide to move. This will involve creating checklists, making research about local regulations for shipping goods, and getting estimates so that you can stay within your budget. The last thing you want is for your belongings to arrive somewhere in broken pieces because you didn’t take the time upfront to ensure everything went smoothly. To help you pack up with confidence, we have compiled a list of helpful tips and tricks on how best to ship your items when moving out of state or country.

Create a checklist

Before you start packing up your belongings, you will want to create a checklist. This will help you stay organized, and keep track of everything that needs to be packed.- First, you will want to figure out which items you will be keeping and which ones need to be shipped.- Next, you will want to organize your items into groups: clothes, kitchenware, electronics, books, etc.- After that, cross-reference the items on your list with any applicable moving regulations and safety requirements.- Finally, determine which boxes and packing supplies you will need based on the number of items you have.

Double-check Everything

Once you have a checklist of items that need to be packed up, you will want to double-check everything against your list. You don’t want to mistakenly leave behind something important.- Be sure to check for items that may have slipped your mind, as well as pieces that may have been added since you wrote the original list.- Be sure to check for items that may have been missed on the packaging checklist as well.- For example, if you are shipping electronics, make sure that there are no cords or plugs attached. These could cause problems for the receiver, and could even get your package sent back.- Make sure that your items are properly identified as well. This will help to avoid confusion with the receiver, and could even save you money if you are able to avoid customs inspections.

Use a Professional Shipper

If you are moving a very large amount of items, or extremely fragile items, it may be wise to consider hiring a professional shipper. This will allow you to fully focus on packing up your belongings without having to worry about shipping.- A shipper will prep your items, transport them, and even provide tracking information so that you know exactly where your items are at all times.- Depending on how much you are shipping, and where it is going, this can be a very cost-effective option, and will free up a lot of your time.- You will want to make sure that the shipper is properly licensed, and that they have positive reviews. This is especially important if you are moving internationally.- Be sure to check the shipper’s rates, what they include, and what options you have available. This will allow you to find the best deal.

Find The Right Boxes

There are many types of boxes you can use when shipping your items. Choose the right boxes based on their size and durability.- Cardboard boxes will be the most cost-effective option, though they may not be as durable as other types of boxes. They will be easy to stack and store, making them the best choice for large quantities of items.- Wood or plastic boxes will be more durable than cardboard boxes, but they may cost a little more. They are also a great option if you have very fragile items, as they will be more secure, and less likely to break.- If you have many small fragile items that need to be packed up, you can use bubble wrap to create individualized containers for each one.- If you have a lot of items that are the same size, like books, you can use a tote or a crate to group them together, and make them easier to stack.

Pack Your Fragile Items First

When you are packing your items, you will want to start with your fragile or valuable items first, and work your way towards your less fragile items. You will want to use plenty of padding and wrapping for these pieces.- You don’t want these items to shift around during transit, and risk getting broken.- You will want to use boxes with plenty of space, and line the insides with bubble wrap or blankets.- You can also use pieces of cardboard to line the bottom of the box, and then put the item on top, so that it is less likely to move around.- You can also create a special space inside the box for particularly fragile items.

Fill The Empty Space With Blankets Or Foam Pillows

If you have empty space inside your boxes, you can stuff them with blankets or foam pillows to prevent your items from shifting around. You can also use these to provide additional cushioning for particularly fragile pieces.- You can use old t-shirts, sheets, or blankets for this.- You can also purchase inexpensive foam pillows for this purpose.- Be sure to pad the inside of your boxes generously, as this will provide extra protection for your items, and will help prevent the box from breaking during transit.- You can also use Bubble Wrap around your items as well.- This will help to prevent your items from sliding around or getting crushed.

Don’t Forget To Label Everything

This is one of the most important tips. You want to make it as easy as possible for the receiving party to identify each item that is in their shipment.- You can do this by using clear markings on the outside of your boxes, and by writing directly on the boxes inside.- You can also add a label to the handle of each box to make things easier for everyone.- Be sure to include your name, address, and contact information on each box.- You can also make note of what is in each box, so that the receiver can easily identify the contents.- You can do this by writing directly on the box, or by attaching a paper to the outside of the box with the contents listed.


Shipping your items is an important step when moving. Make sure to prepare properly ahead of time so that you don’t run into any surprises. Using these tips, you can ship your items safely and efficiently, and ensure that your belongings arrive safely at their destination.

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